Book and resources
The purpose of our book and the associated resources is to take readers into the most vulnerable communities in order to understand and address rainfall-triggered landslide hazards in these areas. Community residents are not just seen as those at risk, but as the people with the best practical knowledge of the slopes in their neighborhood. The book and resources are directed at the four audiences responsible for initiating, delivering, and sustaining Mossaic in a particular country or city:
- Funders and policy makers, typically government officials and international development agency staff
- MoSSaiC core unit (MCU) personnel (MoSSaiC project managers), typically senior government personnel responsible for managing government agencies, departments, or projects; and leading local experts in disaster risk management, landslide hazard assessment, and community development
- Government task teams, comprising experts and practitioners responsible for designing and implementing physical works or directly coordinating with communities; these are typically engineers, community development workers, and technical staff
- Community task teams with responsibilities at the community level; these are typically comprised of community residents,community representatives, and community-based contractors.
Whilst our book is intended as a flexible blueprint, other resources including presentations, videos, and slope stability software are likely to be of value in initiating, and implementing, projects.